How to setup on WIN-XP an alternative key to replace a failing ( using hotkey ) ?

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Nov 7, 2006
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How to setup on WIN-XP an alternative key to replace a failing one ( using hotkey ) ?

Dear friends,

The keyboard of my laptop presents a failture on a specific character.
Unnafortunatelly, it is used on logon.

Does anybody know how to setup an alternative to replace it ?
( as an <CTRL><ALT> combination )


You have to use the ALT and the numpad numbers , it doesn't work with the numbers in the left side.
After typing the ascii code you have to stop pressing ALT in order for the char to appear.

Thanks guys, but unafortunatelly, no answer was perceived from Laptop, even pressing the key for a long time.

You press the ALT button down and you hold it while typing the two digit ascii number then you release the ALT and you continue from start with the next char, doesn't this work?
For example an ALT with 65 should print A

Despite tryed several times, it did´t worked.
I suspected could be missing mechanical skill to me, or enought fingers :smile: but really the system doesn´t answer.

There are no other way to do that ?
( I mean something as by "control panel", but Keyboard option haven´t this function )

Usually, there's no numpad with notebooks. The function can be mostly emulated by special functions keys. It's rather long-winded, I have to read a manual to understand how it works. Many notebooks support an external keyboard without setup, either USB or PS2.


Now it worked, but i think it is not a real sortkut, due at this case, I should operate with 4 keys...!!! ( ALT + FN + 1ST_DIG + 2ND_DIG )
I would apreciate if I could manipulate the operational system in order to configure - for instance - a F11 to do that.

Thanks anyway.


I doubt that you can use any application to change the operation of a button in the logon screen.
How about changing the password (or is it a username?) to use buttons that work on your keyboard?

Because, despite not be a recommended procedure, it´s the same password I use at most other applications.


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