From jy user
Bindkey soulation
1. cd to (your install IC50 dir) /tools.lnx86/dfII
2. make dir local
3. copy (your install IC50 dir)/tools.lnx86/dfII/sample/local/cdsinit to (your install IC50 dir)/tools.lnx86/dfII/local/.cdsinit
bindkey path is setup on .cdsinit
please view your home director .cdsinit
it will show you default bindkey path
or copy one bindkey to your home or work
Copy a default .cdsinit file to your home directory may give you default bindkey settings. If you want to add more bindkeys, you may copy the to your home directory (or any other directory) and modified .cdsinit to load your bindkey file automacally. Searching "bindKey" in .cdsinit to find the sentences you must modify.
You can modify your file following the syntax of the default file.