How to set trace length in Allegro PCB Editor 16.5
Hello everybody,
the thing is quite simple; I must draw some traces with the same exact (+ tollerance) length. I tried to defined it in the constraint manager without good results. I'm using the Allegro PCB editor (Cadence) 16.5.
Can someone help me?
Thank you for your reply,
unluckily in my constraint manager there aren't any worksheets with the propagation delay; I think this is because my version of allegro is not for high speed design. I'll post you some screenshots of my constraint manager's worksheets. There is a section in the electrical constraints where i can set the "total etch length" of the selected nets, but it doesn't seems to work. Maybe it's my fault but i really need it to be fine,
Thanks for your support :wink:
Find the attached snaps for detailed description about total etch length. Select a NET define a minimum and maximum ETCH LENGTH (as I did with FGL1 net) and save the settings. Unroute the track and reroute it again. You will see a box at the left bottom of screen expalining that you are in limits of etch length. I have Allegro V16.3 and before posting this i have tested this. Hope that you got an idea.