[SOLVED] How to set the senstype during sens analysis in ADE L?

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Junior Member level 1
Jun 4, 2010
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After I use the sensitivity analysis in ADE L, I print the sens result in the result box. Then, I found that the sensitivity result is given by

S(F,P)=dF/dP rather than S(F,P)=P/F * dF/dP

And, after I search it in many references, I find that the value of senstype would deside which formula will be used.
But unfortunately, in sensitivity analysis ,defaultlly, the senstype = partial ,which use the first formula.
if you want to use the second formula, you need to spectify that senstype = normalized .

But, I donot know where and how to change this value. Could anybody help me?

I think you could try to put the default value to your .cdsenv - something like: spectre.opts senstype string "normalized" and restart cadence
or you could try something like: envSetVal("spectre.opts" "sensitivity" 'string "normalized")

but I am not sure about syntax and if spectre.opts is the correct place - try

thanks teddy,
I have tried the expression,and the exact expression is as following:envSetVal("spectre.opts" "senstype" 'string "normalized").

but it doesn't work,even though I write envSetVal("spectre.opts" "senstype" 'string "normalized") into .cdsinit
or write spectre.opts senstype string "normalized" into .cdsenv

---------- Post added at 07:21 ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 ----------

And I have compromised to it now.
because the print output of sensitivity analysis is in such format:

outvariable sensitivity designparameter value
net0188 6.81e+02 M0:w 4e-05

I can just multiply the order of sensitivity and the order of value for every designparameter.
then choose the maximums and caculate this designparameter in the formula:S(F,P)=P/F * dF/dP manually.

hi everybody
I ask the questions in Cadence Design Systems and get answer from Andrew.**broken link removed**

In the UI, it's under Simulation->Options->Analog (in IC5141 it's near the bottom, in IC61X it's on the Miscellaneous tab). It's not under the sens analysis as an option, because sens is actually a control statement rather than an analysis in spectre (so doesn't have any direct options - so it appears under "spectre -h options" rather than "spectre -h sens").


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