I am trying to do some simulation for the n-channel MOSFET, I use the component from breakout library from Pspice. I find it automatically set the level as 1. If anybody tell me how to set the model level in the model file.
Any suggestion will really be appreciated.
You cannot change the model level by yourself. I should get this model file from somewhere or fit this from real mesurement. Some parameters included into level=2 are not included in level=1 or 3.
As far as i know this model level has to do with the variation in the parameters of the mos . each parameter could have its own level of variation.basically u design ur circuit for the typical case where variation is +/-10% (level=1).iIf u want to vary some parameters by say +/-35% u can put the level=3.I dont think level higher than this is true.
There are some suggestions:
1, search the help file of PSPICE about change the level setting
2, if you design a chip, you'd better ask the foundry, it will give you all about the level and parameters info
3, spice mos level is not equal in different spice (e.g. pspice level 9 and hspice 49 are the same)
Each LEVEL have it's own equation and assumption!
You need to look at the Helpfile form the design tools to check this equation!
To change level by only change LEVEL=n, n=1,2.. is unacceptable for some level. If you need to change the level, you need the level parameter that support your level. You can search this parameter at MOSIS or other website.
In the spice model card which is provided by the foundary team itself the variation in the parameters is not same.for example the varaition in the channel length is small as compared to the width of the Xtor.the variation in the cap and resistance could go upto 45%.So every parameter is distinguished by its own level.