How to set frequency range in CST transient analysis?

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wandering heart

Member level 5
Feb 10, 2006
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Stockholm, Sweden
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cst frequency range setting

When simulate an antenna, I set different frequency ranges (0~3 and 0~6 GHz, resonant frequencies of the antenna are 0.9 and 2.4 GHz) for two transient analysis respectively. But I got very different results. In the simulations I have the same mesh properties. I can not figure out why CST can give so strange result. Would anyone pls explain me this or give some suggestions on how to select frequency range?

Thanks very much!

cst transient analysis

I really didn't understand your problem. You simulated one antenna for two different setups: 0-3 GHz and 0-6 GHz. Since you are telling that you got two very different results, let us consider: at frequency 0.9 GHz or 2.45 GHz you got different return loss for two different simulations; is it the case?

In my view it wouldn't be that different. If possible please upload your .cst file.


Did you try to use a finer meshing? Or the option "adaptive meshing"? - Most of the time meshing is critical...

Yes, the two results are not that different. The resonant frequencies are same, but there is 10 dB difference in S11. (the 0-3 setup is worse)

Added after 3 minutes:

Zosch said:
Did you try to use a finer meshing? Or the option "adaptive meshing"? - Most of the time meshing is critical...

The mesh has 558000 meshcells, is it enough for a PIFA antenna with the size of 17*6*6 mm^3?

If you vary the number of meshcells without getting any change in S-paramaters it seems to be ok. - But maybe your design is just very sensitive.

Zosch said:
If you vary the number of meshcells without getting any change in S-paramaters it seems to be ok. - But maybe your design is just very sensitive.

Thanks! I will try ur method.

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