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How to send from Spartan 3E kit to a PC ? (using USB cable)

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Sep 11, 2007
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i work in automotive project and use spartan 3e kit and still one thing i need

i need to send the data i recieved by the kit to the pc by usb 20 cable

when i did not find solution i think littel and get an idea but i don't know if it is true

i think that is usb cable is directrly connect to the fpga so i can send data at the

pin of fpga that connect to the usb , and make a clk and send the data through it .

but i didn't know which pin should i send at . so if this idea is true please tell me

what should i do ?

if it is not true tell me what should i do ?

automotive project

If you are referring to the Xilinx/Digilent Spartan-3E Starter Kit, then its USB port is connected only to the FPGA's JTAG configuration/debug port. Unfortunately, Xilinx refuses to provide documentation for their USB protocol, so you have to use Xilinx software, and the only software they provide that can do general-purpose JTAG communication is ChipScope's TCL interpreter. You could write a ChipScope TCL script that talks through USB through JTAG to a BSCAN macro and scan chain that you've placed into your FPGA design, but that's so clumsy!

Xilinx's PDFs also omit the USB page of the schematic, and hide the USB section of the gerber plots (easily unhidden with Acrobat).

I've read some forum discussions about reprogramming the Xilinx USB CPLD with different code that's well documented, so you could talk to it from any USB controller. But remember that you are still going through JTAG, and that's somewhat clumsy. Also, Xilinx iMPACT won't work anymore until you restore the original CPLD code, and reprogramming the CPLD is slow.

I've been searching for a way to get through the Xilinx CPLD without reprogramming it, but I haven't found any clear reports of success.

The Xilinx Platform Cable USB device (XPCU) has the same situation.

If anyone knows an easier way, please speak up!

Re: automotive project

thank you dear ,

so i should use chipscope , but the problem is i didn't use it before so if anyone

know a good learning paper for this program , please tell me

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