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how to select acquisition time in A/D?

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Advanced Member level 3
Advanced Member level 3
Jun 24, 2012
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I'm using PIC18F2520 and internal oscillator at 4MHZ.
how to select ACQT<2:0> and ADCS<2:0> bits of ADCON2 register.
Fosc = 4MHz . So, Tosc = 1/4Mhz => 0.25us

Fosc = 4 Mhz, Tosc = 1/Fosc = 0.25us = 250ns
The A/D conversion time per bit is defined as TAD. The
A/D conversion requires 11 TAD per 10-bit conversion.
The source of the A/D conversion clock is software
selectable. There are seven possible options for TAD:
• 2 TOSC = 0.5us
• 4 TOSC = 1us
• 8 TOSC = 2us
• 16 TOSC = 4us
• 32 TOSC = 8us
• 64 TOSC = 16us
• Internal RC Oscillator
For correct A/D conversions, the A/D conversion clock
(TAD) must be as short as possible but greater than the
minimum TAD (see parameter 130 in Table 28-29 for
more information).
Table 21-1 shows the resultant TAD times derived from
the device operating frequencies and the A/D clock
source selected.

11 TAD is required for 10-bit conversion and 3 TAD is required betwwen conversions do
so 11 + 3 = 14 TAD
So you cannot choose 12 TAD but you can choose 16 TAD

For 16 TAD ACOT2-ACQT0 = 110.
thanks for the information. where did you find the information 3TAD is required between conversion . i have loaded for ACQT<2:0> = 110.
for ADCS<2:0> = ???

Sorry, Its not 3 TAD between conversions it is 2 TAD.

Page 398 min TAD is mentioned
page 265 TAD per 10-bit conversion
Page 267 2 TAD between Conversions.

Page 263 says 3 TAD is required between conversions.

min TAD = 0.7us

TAD Values

• 2 TOSC = 0.5us
• 4 TOSC = 1us
• 8 TOSC = 2us
• 16 TOSC = 4us
• 32 TOSC = 8us
• 64 TOSC = 16us
• Internal RC Oscillator

So, you cannot use 0.5us. You can use 1us which is greater than the min TAD.

So, you have to use 4 * Tosc = 1us

Fosc/4 = 1/4Tosc = 100 for ADCS2-ADCS0


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on what basis you have calculated min TAD = 0.7us. I don't understand it.

It is specified for the PIC. You can find it in the 18F2520 datasheet TABLE 26-25, page 365.


Hope this helps.
i have connected a variable pot to PIN RA5. Vss and Vdd are reference voltage. So ADC value 0 for 0V and 1023 for 5V. But its working like that. What's wrong? and explain please!!!
void main()
lcd_init(); 				// lcd initialization
TRISA  = 0b00100000;		// RA5 -input, rest as output
ADCON0 = 0b00010000;		// analog channel 4, A/D on
ADCON1 = 0b00001010;		// ref volt. VSS and VDD. AN4 to AN0 as analog
ADCON2 = 0b10110100;		// Right justified, 16 TAD, 1/4Tosc
ADON = 1;
GO = 1;  					// to start conversion	
while(GO==1);				// wait for bit to be cleared
low_byte = ADRESL;			 
high_byte = ADRESH;
full_value = ((high_byte<<8)|low_byte);

What oscillator frequency are you using? If you are using 20MHz, instead of using FOSC/4, use FOSC/16 or FOSC/64. So, change ADCON2 to either 0b10110101 or 0b10110110.

But its working like that.

You mean, it's not working like expected?

What's wrong?

What output do you get?
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i tried with ADCON2= 0b10110101..
value in the LCD goes upto the maximum of 255. But not 1023.why is it? is the code is ok?

I don't see the declaration of full_value. Did you declare full_value as a 16-bit variable?

unsigned int full_value;

yes i have declared full_value as 16 bit variable. this is my full code. Please help me what i did wrong.
#include "18F2520.h"
#include "f2520_regs.h"
#fuses INTRC_IO					// Internal clock
#use delay(clock=4000000) 		// 4MHZ

#define RS PIN_A2  	// LCD RS pin connected to uC PIN_A2
#define EN PIN_A1	// LCD EN pin connected to uC PIN_A1

void lcd_init();
void lcd_cmd(unsigned char);
void lcd_data(unsigned char);

unsigned int8 low_byte,high_byte;
unsigned int16 full_value; 

void main()
lcd_init(); 				// lcd initialization
TRISA  = 0b00100000;		// RA5 -input, rest as output
ADCON0 = 0b00010000;		// analog channel 4, A/D on
ADCON1 = 0b00001010;		// ref volt. VSS and VDD. AN4 to AN0 as analog
//ADCON2 = 0b10110100;		// Right justified, 16 TAD, 1/4Tosc
ADCON2 = 0b10110101;       //FOSC/16
ADON = 1;
GO = 1;  					// to start conversion	
while(GO==1);				// wait for bit to be cleared
low_byte = ADRESL;			 
high_byte = ADRESH;
full_value = ((high_byte<<8)|low_byte);

void lcd_init()
lcd_cmd(0x30);      // Configure the LCD in 8-bit mode, 1 line and 5x7 font
lcd_cmd(0x0c);      // display on and cursor off
lcd_cmd(0x01);      // clear display screen
lcd_cmd(0x06);      // increment cursor
lcd_cmd(0x80);      // set cursor to 1st line

void lcd_cmd(unsigned char c)

void lcd_data(unsigned char z)

added the line CMCON = 0x07; .. but still it's not working. rotating the port, and ADC value in the display shows 0 and counts upto 255 and keep rotating, shows 0 and counts upto 255.. it goes on.

yes ADCON2 value changed. still the problem remains same.
I can assure that the circuit is fine. I'm using ccs c compiler. I tested with the inbuilt functions in ccs and works perfectly.
why it is not working when i'm using registers?

ofcourse. i have changed the value of ADCON2 = 0b10111101; // Right justified, 20 TAD, 1/16Tosc

But its not working. Is this value is correct for TAD 1.2us?

When using the library functions, do you get the proper output from 0 to 1023? Do you use the same printf function to print to the LCD then?

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