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How to select a EDA software??

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Newbie level 1
Aug 16, 2023
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What are the most important points for electronic engineers and IC industry companies to choose EDA software????
How to determine whether an EDA software is professional??
Currently, I wanna choose Easyeda, is this software good??


basically I´d say it depends on your requirements.

What does "good" mean? Good in which way?

I´d say software is "good" if it has all features you need, including easy handling.
But some software may come with much more features than you need. Usually they are much more expensive. So it´s on you whether to consider expensive software good or not.


There are many options and you might want first to see about the
availability or compatibility of component "footprints" that the
tool can use.

Then, the questions of how many layers and what kind of rules-
and connectivity-verification (going to hand check, or want to
have a schematic:layout check, and then if so what schematics
tool compatibility?

Another thing to consider when choosing your EDA software is, what is the support like?
Can you find out information, get files fixed, get training or what are the resources like for learn how to use it?

Getting something more basic that works and is supported well is IMHO better than something that has all the bells and whistles but no support.

I get better support from the developers of xschem, ngspice and
klayout than I ever did from Cadence. Money can't buy you love.

(In the case of PCB desgining )me aslo looked like you seariching as best one ,finally I plan to use Easyeda .
Playing some of project I will get an idea or the advantage and disadvantage of my needness .
so try any one of with tour favaraouble and after jump to a proffessional one .


IMHO the best EDA is "Altium Designer", it has many advanced features like:
1) Advanced stack-up manager
2) Many types of "vias"
3) Automatic impedance control of chosen traces
4) Length control of chosen traces
5) good performance
"Altium Designer" however is costly.

In my opinion "Easy EDA" is a good choice for beginners:
1) it is free
2) very simple making of new symbols and footprints (new library parts)
3) existing libraries of thousands of ready-to-use components

It is possible to design many advanced (many layers) PCB with "Easy EDA". Here is an example of 8 8-layer PCB designed by me with "Easy EDA".

BTW: During export PCB to PDF I omitted "ground plane" in order to other layers would be visible



  • PCB_PCB_TSN_Gowin1_FPGA.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 173


IMHO the best EDA is "Altium Designer", it has many advanced features like:
1) Advanced stack-up manager
2) Many types of "vias"
3) Automatic impedance control of chosen traces
4) Length control of chosen traces
5) good performance
"Altium Designer" however is costly.

In my opinion "Easy EDA" is a good choice for beginners:
1) it is free
2) very simple making of new symbols and footprints (new library parts)
3) existing libraries of thousands of ready-to-use components

It is possible to design many advanced (many layers) PCB with "Easy EDA". Here is an example of 8 8-layer PCB designed by me with "Easy EDA".

BTW: During export PCB to PDF I omitted "ground plane" in order to other layers would be visible

"In my opinion" regarding EDA software is, I believe not allowed on the forum.

To be honest all the top packages are as bad and as good as each other. Used most of them, and to be honest, they all produce PCB's, they all have their quirks, and they can all be frustrating... Learning the basics of PCB design is more important, once you know that, the EDA software is a tool that allows you to achieve a PCB design. The end result is the same from all of them, and the basics of PCB layout are the same, place the components (most important) and join the dots.:).
Pick software based on what you can afford and what are your design goals... Hobby use a free package, professional, the choice may be dictated by who you work for.
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