how to save the simulated results of hfss

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Full Member level 3
Jan 19, 2012
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as i m new to HFSS i dont know how to save the plots of HFSS like s parameter,gain, vswr , radiation patter for my paper or thesis.
can any body tell me by step by step procedure, i will be very thankful to him.

You can use some screen-capture tools, e.g. Snipping Tool on Windows 7

i think hfss does not operate in windows 7

In case you use Windows XP or other O.S(s), you can search other tools for capture photo from HFSS graph. I'm using HFSS 13.0 on Windows 7 and it's still working ok.

i think print screen is not the only option, to save the graph.
i can tell you better option than this, go to "edit" then "copy image" and paste to word.
this is more better than =print screen but in this image still not very clear.

Yeah rights, but in some cases, when you want to get the setup content table (that consists of parameters you set), there's no way to use HFSS edit tool (Edit/Copy image) to get this, but you can do that with print screen (or Snipping tool, by choosing "JPEG output" for better quality).

You can print the plot to a PDF (with a PDF printer) and open the PDF with a vector drawing program like inkscape. Now you can modify the plot and save it in a format you need.
Or you save the plot values to a *.csv (or text) file and redraw it in excel or better a program that can produce a vector output (like GNUPlot or matlab).
If you want a high quality image you need a vector plot in PDF or EPS for latex and word (you can include EPS figures in Word).
Screen Copying techniques doesn't give good results.
yes you are right sceen copying is not good enough

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