+Q0.14 is a fixed point format. The + sign indicates that it is an unsigned number and the 0.14 means that there are 0 bits integer bits and 14 mantissa bits. It is just a representation. For example, I have a floating point number 0.0255. In +Q0.14 format, the scaling factor is 2^14. So I need to multiply it with this scaling factor. The result would be 417.792. Now the mantissa part of this scaled number would be discarded (obviously, we lose some precision in Fixed Point Formats). So the end result would be 417. This could now be converted into binary, hex, oct or decimal.
Now coming to your second question that how to generate a ROM with these values? Well, in verilog you can write a simple task to evaluate the sine function using taylor series (lets say up to 5 or 7 iterations.) Now in your task, you can use file I/O functions to write the outputs to a text file. Then you can generate ROM from those values. Either you can infer the ROM or provide these values as init values to the IP Generator of Particular vendor. Like in Xilinx, Coregen allows you to give an initial value file to generate the ROM.
Hope that helps.