[SOLVED] How to run a loop for a certain amount of time?

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Re: How to run a loop for a certain amount time?

I tried everything but didn't work, I don't know what is the mistake.

Re: How to run a loop for a certain amount time?

You have set RA4/T0CKI as timer0 clock source in OPTION_REG. I guess you want an internal clock source?

Re: How to run a loop for a certain amount time?

No I have set the T0CS to use the internal cycle clock.

Re: How to run a loop for a certain amount time?

No I have set the T0CS to use the internal cycle clock.

I'm referring to

bit 5 T0CS: TMR0 Clock Source Select bit
1 = Transition on RA4/T0CKI pin
0 = Internal instruction cycle clock (CLKO)

Re: How to run a loop for a certain amount time?

No I have set the T0CS to use the internal cycle clock.

if i look on datasheet 5.3 page 48
you are wrong as FvM told you before..
OPTIONREG must be 0x0A
so T0CS=0 internal instruction cycle and Prescaler=1/128

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