How to retrieve a source code from locked ATMEL IC?

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Junior Member level 3
Oct 21, 2003
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Is there any way to rescue a source code that was written in basic on an ATMEL IC? I accidentally locked the chip when I programmed it about a month ago. My computer crashed and all backup copies of most source codes have been erased. Can I retrieve the source code from the chip with out damaging the chip?? Can anyone help? Thank you...

No, that's impossible.
Even if the MCU wasn't locked you couldn't retrieve the source code, only the machine code (hex file).


This unfortunate situation occurs all to frequently. External hard drives are getting so low cost that everyone should back up their main drive at least once per week. I would also suggest that files from ongoing projects get backed up at the end of a work session possibly with floppies. At the end of the project the whole set of files should be put on a CD for permanent storage. If the project is very costly, make two CD copies and store one in a different building or location to guard against fire disasters.

Re: Rescue

Thank you very much for the excellent tips on storage backup. I actually purchased a zip drive immediately after the crash and have been using it religiously without prejudice. However, ME mentioned that the hex data would be recoverable. Although I do not understand machine code that well. I would be interested as to know how to retrieve it and at least have something to work with. Would you mind sharing how to salvage the hex code? Thanks again guys!!!

Re: Rescue

Did your software had a bootloader ?.perhaps you can access it and make it to throw everything outside

Re: Rescue

Thanks C-Man, this is a wealth of information that is awesome. I looked over the information that you provided and can not help to wonder if there is a device that is being marketed that will do the same as the one in this link: under the title heading: Non-Invasive Attacks on Microcontrollers. This is the device that connects to the PC. Or do you know how to build one. This seems by far the easiest way to get my code back.
This link is dated for 2000/01 so there should be a device that is being sold retail that does the same job, right? If you know of one, please post the name. And thanks again for your help.

P.S. sokala, no it did not – but thanks tho….

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