How to Resize the images in Visual Basic 6?

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Junior Member level 2
Jun 12, 2003
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hi friend

i am new to visual basic. i want to resize or cut pictures to my own X x Y in visual basic. i.e. 800x600 to X x Y any pixel value. but how to do it.

and also can we get every pixel data of RGB in bytes of arrays like Matrices in Matlab?
if any one knows please upload code files.

regarding how to save any array, here is a code that creates an icons and save it to an .ico file.

for changing the Pixels resolution, ,u can use the control image from your VB toolbox and set Stretch from its properties window to "TRUE", now u can change the resolution as u want,

don't forget to see the attachments.



hi sherif12

i downloaded icon and got idea to save and make ico file. but i want to resize other images too. you used 321x321 and save 321-1/10 pixels.
how to resize jpg, bmp, etc .

also i want to change the color level to 2 bits or any bits color range. is it possible with thresh hold values. but how to make 16 bits color pixel into 8 colors only or 4 colors (specified by me--can be using threshhold (like matlab matrices manipulation) or can be red,blue,green,yellow only or any).

how to do it. will it be done using RGB data values selection if it is, then how? need help.

hi starlet,

i am sorry, ,i don't have an accurate and precise answer for your question and really have no time to find it for you so i would advice to leave your question @

which is a large IT community that resembles elektroda in # of experts but in IT, u will probably get an answer(s) in less than 24 hours and will be the ultimate one.



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