How to remove a virus from a pen drive which has been formated ?

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Jul 4, 2010
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Hi every body,
I have 1GB pen drive, i am using anti-virus AVST home edition

There is no data in pen drive and i format the pen drive then disconnected the pen drive
and then connected the pen drive to PC at that time AVST sounding there is virus.....

please tell me any solution
how to remove virus?

how to remove virus

I dont want to blame any anti viru, but would like you to plug in your pendrive to a PC with anyother antivirus software and then have a scan done. Kaspersky 2009 or 2010 leagal version will be my first choice. But still, if the pendrive is "Formated", its should be cleared of every content in it including viruses. Then how the virus is still on the drive? May be it is not formated, or try formating in some other PC.

Re: how to remove virus

I use comodo and that always detect any dodgy files in the usb drive and always ask me to quarantine it.

Re: how to remove virus

just try other ativirus software,there are also free softwares like clamav。

Re: how to remove virus

I use comodo and that always detect any dodgy files in the usb drive and always ask me to quarantine it.
Always use a leagal version of antivirus and internet security to be on the safer side. The solution to your problem is to scan your system and the pendrive with a legal sofware, Format and reload the pendrive.

Re: how to remove virus

you can try NOD32 also it is a good program

Perhaps you have a virus on your computer which can't be dejected by your av software. Every time you format the pen drive the virus copies itself to the pen drive. And only on the pen drive the anti virus recognize the virus.
This sounds a bit strange but it could be.

You could scan your computer by using an anti virus program that boot from CD, so the virus can't get active and hide itself from the anti virus software.

you can also try zone alarm. it will prompt every access to your drives, and you can manually approve or reject any modifications being done. the virus can come from your hard drive or network

If you are using a Microsoft product then i will suggest you try your pen drive on a Linux OS and delete the virus directly or use Microsoft security essential. is good if you try with any other anti virus software. If the software is good it will automatically remove the virus from your pen drive.

Wish you luck.

I suggest that you DO NOT INVOKE QUICK FORMAT. i.e DONT check QUICK format AND you use a different PC to do so.
Then do THOROUGH SCAN DISK to check for errors. I suggest using a different ANTIVIRUS (better using another PC) just to confirm that there is no virus.

You do one thing go in tools then folder options. There you select "Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide Protected Operating System Files" there would be a warning but ignore it. If there is any data or virus in pen drive it would be visible. If there is nothing in pen drive just throw away your antivirus. Also have you made sure that there is no virus in your PC?

Try famous antivirus in your'se they only:lol:............know best way to clear virus.mostly Norton we recommended...

The virus might be residing on your PC but Avst can't detect it in your PC, consider installing other AV programs. Try Avira, it has a free version and it cab be updated for free.

The best solution i can suggest is Use some linux Live cd's(Ubuntu may be better ) and After loading to live cd format your pendrive now your pendrive will get clean without any virus.If you often get problems like this then better switch to LInux.


If you did not format your flash drive, then check whether the files are not in

hidden mode. Follow the following steps.

Step 1:

Click on the below link and download the file "AutorunExterminator"

Download Autorun Exterminator free |

Extract it --> Double-click on "AutorunExterminator" --> Plug your flash drive now.

This will remove the autorun.inf files from your flash drive and also from drives.

Step 2:

Click on "Start" -->Run --> type cmd and click on OK.

Here I assume your flash drive letter as G:

Enter this command.

attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.*

You can copy the above command --> Right-click in the Command Prompt and

paste it.

Note : Don't forget to replace the letter g with your flash drive letter.

Now press "Enter".

Now check for your files in Flash Drive.

Step 3:

After that, download the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from the below link

Download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware free |

Update it --> Perform "Full Scan"

Note : Default selected option is "Quick Scan".

Good Luck.

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