How to reduce voltage to meause it ?

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Newbie level 4
Jun 7, 2015
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i would like see the transient response of dc motor.

if i apply 24v to circuit, than take 2 wire from motor pins,

what should i do with this pins ?

1) i want ta connect them to the analog input of microcontroler and it can only measure 0-5 V..

2) the things that i will do to measurement wires shouldn't effect the motor circuit of course..

if i design a voltage divider with a "very very high" resistors is it works ?

or any other solution do you have ?

You won't use "very high" resistor values. Microcontroller ADC inputs work best with moderate source impedance, e.g. 1 - 5 kohms.
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I'd use a resistive voltage divider.

You say "transient" so I assume high frequency.
So don't use very high ohmic resistors.

There are many ways to calculate the resistors. I'd rather go to lower resistance. And I decide to dissipate less than 100mW.
With 24V this means about 6k Ohms mimimum. To the voltage you need some headroom. Maybe a 10k:1k resistive divider is OK.
This give a current of about 2mA at 20V, and a voltage range of 55V max. (11 × 5V).

Higher ohmic resistors have lower current, and thus lower power dissipation. But also lower frequency bandwidth.

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I would use an op-amp mounted as a differential amplifier with a gain below 5/24.
But your power supply must deliver a wider range of voltages than 0v - 24v like -5v - 28v, or eventually use a rail-to-rail op-amp.


You say "transient" so I assume high frequency.
So don't use very high ohmic resistors.

Higher ohmic resistors have lower current, and thus lower power dissipation. But also lower frequency bandwidth.


Could you please explain a little bit more about this ? i do not understand why ohmic resistor value is important what will be chance if it is 1M ohm

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