How to reduce the EIRP in the Mobile phone?

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Junior Member level 1
Jul 20, 2005
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Hi guys,
As we know, the cellular antenna is omniradiation , and the EIRP is inverse proportion to Direction , and i meet one problem : the EIRP is too high to pass the standard! so does anyone can solve the problem? many thanks!:?:

Added after 25 minutes:

i am sorry, i have mistaken the relationship between EIRP and Direction. EIRP should be direct proportion to Direction

You can reduce the EIRP for one direction either changing the Antenna Pattern and reducing the Antenna Gain in that particular direction, or reducing the Output Power (that will reduce the EIRP in all directions).
The Antenna Pattern could be changed using different antenna shape.

Thanks for your reply, but we can not change the pattern now ,because we have to save the R&D time. As we can conclude the following equation:

So it shows just what you have suggested, however,in the real world,as we can't change the pattern now, and if the FEM' impedence match is not changed, the G and e is nearly not changed. The Output power can be resuced for 1 dB, but it seems that the TRP change only 0.3 dB

Added after 1 hours 26 minutes:

the EIRP does not reduce!

If the Conducted Transmitted Power is reduced with 1 dB, the EIRP (measured in dBm) must go down with 1dB.
You have a measurement error somewhere if you get only 0.3dB.
Have to do multiple measurements and to do their average to decrease the probability of errors.

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