At 8kHz you do not need much drive strength and could go
with minimum width, greater-than-minimum length FETs.
Cutting shoot-through current is your number one goal. Using
stacked FETs is another option.
Then, "float" the oscillator rails inside some resistive isolation
with local decoupling, so no switching current uses either
of the prime rails for source or return - only a quasi-DC
restoring current. A rack of low-threshold MOS caps would
do, for local decoupling - preferably the species that is in a
well, not the substrate, so you can further manage the
bottom plate & well as you see fit.
The output driver, which may see some load, you can phase-
manage the driver FETs with staggered gate drive trying
for break-before-make switching.
You will never get rid of all the spikes if they have to go off-
chip for their high-frequency current loop closure. You have
to keep them at home.