i made good experience with an appropriate layout.
For sure the errors cause by theDC/DC switching depend on many parameters.
A cut in the power plan around the DC/DC circuit can help to keep the noise away from the rest of GND.
Short traces for the switching power lines, good, HF capacitors with low ESR, multiple vias from the capacitors to GND...are some hints for "wired" coupling.
Shielded inductors, or a shileding of the complete DC/DC circuit is good for inductive coupling effects.
Especially with ADCs you can synchronize the DC/DC frequency to the ADC sampling frequency. With that most of the HF noise is canceled, but giving a DC offset in the ADC reading
Sometimes it is possible to switch off the DC/DC in times (maybe 1 ms or less) when the ADC is running it´s sampling/conversion...
To give you a magnitude: for a handheld measurement device (low power) it is possible to achieve +/- 1 LSB of noise with a 16 bit ADC, 3VRef, 50kHz bandwidth.. without any shielding
If you give us more information about: switching voltage, current, frequency, ADC resolution, bandwidth..and a picture of your layout (with some description) we can better assist you..
Good luck