How to read .sdf or .db file to TetraMax for Slack-based trantision fault ATPG


Nov 15, 2024
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First, I am not native an english speaker, sry.
(I using google translate now)

I am currently using the following commands to generate slack-based transition fault detection tests in TetraMax.

read netlist -lib ./mylibrary.v
read netlist ./test.v
run build_model test
read timing test.slack
add_pi_constraints 0 test_se
add_pi_constraints 0 reset
set_delay -launch_cycle system_clock -common_launch_capture_clock
set_delay -nopi_changes -nopo_measures
set_delay -slackdata_for_atpg
run drc test.spf
set faults -model transition
set faults -fault_coverage -atpg_effectiveness -summary verbose
add faults -all
set_atpg -abort_limit 10
run_atpg fast_sequential_only
set_atpg -abort_limit 100
run_atpg fast_sequential_only
write_patterns test.stil -format stil -replace
write_faults test_all.flt -all -replace
write_faults test_DT_before_faultsim.flt -class DS -replace
write_faults test_cant_test_generation.flt -class UD -class AU -class ND -replace
report summaries cpu_usage
report summaries memory_usage
report_faults -summary

When I load a .slack file, two columns of numbers are added to the fault list of detected faults.

str DS U33/A1 0.3523 0.0000
stf DS U33/X 0.2557 0.0000
stf -- U30/A2 0.2557 0.0000
str DS U33/A2 0.2557 0.0000

I don't understand what these numbers mean, even after reading the user guide.

I used the Report_timing command to get a histogram of Tdet and compared it, and I think the first of the two columns probably represents Tdet(Slack).
However, the .slack file output from PrimeTime only contains the Slack of the longest path through the net for each rising transition and falling transition.
Path information such as start and end points and passing points is not included.
The library also only reads verilog files and should not read the inherent delay information of each module.
How can TetraMax, which does not have the ability to read .sdf or .db files, obtain the inherent delay information of each module and obtain the Slack value of the activation path for fault detection?

Is the Slack information handled by TetraMax reliable?


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