How to read research paper, textbook, long text content?

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Junior Member level 2
Oct 23, 2021
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I can read less text content easily. my way of reading it is to make slides of all those texts and learn from the slides.

But I have issue with reading huge huge texts as you know in this case it will require too much time when I do this. Is there way to simplify this reading style?

eg-: of sth that I want to read is this.

It takes me 45 minutes to read 3 paragraph and comprehend it at least.

If I go that way, you can imagine, how long it takes me to read a research paper. Probably a week to read a research paper lol. Even reading articles in internet is a hassle for me if they are longer. If I just read what I need to learn it is easy as it will be few paragraphs but if I have to learn sth else long it is pain to me as I can't do it timely manner.

Are there any udemy courses that teach how to read textbooks for university students that you are aware of?

Do you have dyslexia, or some other issue? If so, there are methods to deal with that.

But if you just have trouble understanding, there are different “Learning modalities” as they’re called in education. Some people learn better listening to a lecture, others learn better by reading, and so forth. Obviously, making slides (taking notes-kinesthetics) is the modality that works for you. (It might not even be the slides that help you, but the act of CREATING the slides).

With that said, reading a dry, boring, complicated, poorly written article can be a nightmare. Chances are the article/text has been written by someone who, although knowledgeable, is a terrible communicator.

So, I don’t have an answer for you, but I empathize with you. Rather than going to the trouble of making slides, maybe just try taking notes. Just the physical act of writing might help your understanding.

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