How to read data from an FPGA through USB

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Junior Member level 2
Feb 15, 2009
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Hello Everyone,

My project has a requirement for an FPGA Board. We have a design IP which generates data which we want to store in memory and further stream it through an USB or stream it directly through an USB onto a PC. Also, we require software API’s along with the board which enables to read data through the USB and store it into a file or display it as waveforms onto the PC.

Summary of requirements for the FPGA boards:
1) Reading Data from a memory through a USB on the FPGA Board or directly streaming data through the USB on to PC.
2) The necessary software bundles and API references suite to read data through USB and store it in a file or stream real time data through the USB onto a PC.

If there are relevant boards as per the requirements mentioned above, I would be grateful if anyone could please provide further information and present some relevant links and also some alternate methods to read data from FPGA memory(SDRAM/DDR/ or even Synthesized logic memory on FPGA).
Thanks in advance,

Firoz Dang

Here's an example of FPGA development board with USB 2.0 and DDR2 memory: COM-1600 FPGA + ARM + USB 2.0 + DDR2 + NAND DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM
From the schematics ( you can see that the Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA is connected externally to a USB PHY (SMSC USB3300) and a 1Gb DDR2 memory.
The VHDL source template (**broken link removed**) includes the drivers in compiled (.ngc) format.
The board also include an ARM processor which already pre-programmed, so no ARM programming is needed to keep it simple.
In terms of performance: the USB can transfer about 90 Mbits/s in continuous mode. The DDR2 throughput is about 2 Gbits/s (including comfortable margins).

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