[FET1] gate S11 --- [ microstrip L=...] --- S11 gate [FET2]
For example, i have S11 = 0.9 -34.300deg (in polar form).
As S11 = out / in,
out = in * S11
So it means if i have some input wave with in=(amp,phase)=(1,0deg)
then out = (amp,phase) * (0.9, -34.400) = (0.9*1, 0-34.400) = (0.9, -34.4)
Does it mean that i just need to add two 34deg lines, so final microstrip length is 180+34+34=248 deg? Or 180+34=214deg? Or maybe
Here trying to understand:
Wave comed out from first FET's gate, then goes through 180deg microstrip into second FET's gate. As S11 have -34.4 phase shift, we must do semething with that.
Adding: 34 deg to original microstrip:
Wave comed out from first FET's gate, then goes through 180deg microstrip and additional 34 deg microstrip in series. Gets -34 phase shift inside device, then comes out. As 34-34=0deg, S11 port output must be 180deg relative to first FET's gate...