[SOLVED] How to print a large schematic?

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Aug 13, 2011
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Hi all I got a problem with printing a schematic, its in a PDF file and its too large. I have an inkjet printer so its not possible to print that large schematic, so I want to print it part by part on an A4 size paper and then I will join it. Now I want to know how you people do this kind of job. By Google search I found some utilities which can print a large photo part by part like Posteriza but they all take picture format like JPG but my schematic is in a PDF file and extracting the image was not possible as I tried Photoshop but the schematic didn’t extracted well as its not an image, its created using lines, so how can I do it any idea.


In the Adobe reader you can print the current view so simply zoom to get a reasonable sized chunk on your screen and print that view. The selection is in the print dialog (ALT V is the shortcut I think).


Export large format schematic in one image file, later open that image file in Adobe PhotoShop and make more printing segment for printing. Of course print from Adobe PhotoShop. This is in case if you want big paper format of document. Adobe PhotoShop also works with PDF.

With manipulation and modifying PDF docs I recommend Adobe Reader Professional Edition.

You can also, try Keith solutions also.

There is possibility that you have bad quality PDF in that case....

If you want image quality PDF is definitely not format for that.

Upload PDF, I will try to extract image from it for you.

Hi ,
you can use my sugestion :
while your pdf is open go to your schematic page ,fix it on screen ,press print screen (prt sc) on the key board , then open a word file and press right click ,then paste , after doing this you can set your image or resize it or crop....

This is not so good solution, max resolution is 72dpi. If circuit is big, question is do you have enough big monitor to fit complete circuit in clear visible condition.

And definitely I will exclude Word and other Office products for manipulating and printing images. Also I dont count PDF format as sirious in image jobs. PDF documents can be very good and with acceptable image quality, but purpose of PDF format is not to give best image quality or to work with images. I can see lately usage of PDF format for PCB printing quality. :-? Sometimes is good and acceptable sometimes is not. Quality depends from many things and settings when document is generated.

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Sorry for the late responce
I am talking here about a 16 by 11 inch,and schematics are created using lines which can be very hard to match with each other...

I think tpetar already answered why I cant use your way...

Thanks for doing it for me but I need a solution for this so that in future I can do it by myself..if I dont find any way out then I will upload my schematic so that you can try.

Guys I just need a good solution...

Thanks for doing it for me but I need a solution for this so that in future I can do it by myself..if I dont find any way out then I will upload my schematic so that you can try.

Its not a problem I can describe you step by step instruction for this, but I need to see document, I cant decide parameters without base material.

Problem Solved
Adobe Reader 11 have a poster function for printing,using it any body can print a single image/page on multiple pages.

Good Luck :-D

Problem Solved
Adobe Reader 11 have a poster function for printing,using it any body can print a single image/page on multiple pages.

Good Luck :-D

yes, this is the obvious way to do it if you already have a pdf file. Just upgrade to v XI in case you have a lower version installed.

Alternately if you have a picture capture in non-pdf format, you can use the features in Excel which will print multi-page. Just paste your image into Excel and use the Page Break Preview to see where the page boundaries should fall.

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