shreza, the transconductane is a small-signal parameter - therefore, its variations cannot be simulated sinply by increasing the amplitudes in small-signal ac simulations.
However, I see two alternatives for revealing the non-linearities:
1.) Use different dc values at the input (different operational points) and superimpose (add) an ac signal source of 1V. As a result, the ac output current gives you the transconductance for the different operation points.
More than that, for PSpice (I don`t know the capabilities of other programs) you can command a so-calles "performance analysis" which allows you to display the simulation results (transconductance) over the various operating points (dc values at the input). For a linear system, this should result in a horizontal line (transconductance independent on dc biasing).
2.) You can perform a TRAN analysis - for example using a triangel waveform at the input for different amplitudes - and evaluate the form of the output cuirrent. This gives you an impression of the non-linearities of the device, but no direct information about the transconductance (and its constance).