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How to obtain phase and group velocity graph

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Newbie level 4
Feb 25, 2024
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Hey all,

For starters, im a beginner with CST and just recently started working with it, so any help is appreciated!

I have a Model consisting of a coxial cable (the applicator resposible for sending out the microwave signal), an Antenna (for recieving the Signal) all ingolfed into a cube acting as a liver (with an epsilon of 40.67 and electr.cond. of 2.1).
My aim is to simulate an applicator ablading a cold liver with the Antenna being the reciever of the signal for having appropiate measurements.
I've searched the Internet for a methode of plotting the phase and group velocities but i found nothing that can be applied to my model example.

I've placed the first port on the bottom of the Applicator and the second port on the bottom of the Antenna, both ports were placed on the dielectric material.
The Applicator of made up of an outer and inner conductor from PEC with an inner spacer Material made from PTFE (lossy)

is it even possible to obtain phase and group velocity graphs from my Model?
I will be happy to provide any additional Information if needed.

Thank you in advance.

CST Model Screenshot.png

Phase and group velocity are really only concepts that apply to homogeneous media; they can be roughed into (a)periodic media if you want to make some approximations.

I assume what you're determining here is phase between the external source and your internal antenna? If so, from the measured phase and known distance between the source and receiver, you can determine phase constant [Beta] (phase [theta]/distance [d], probably as a function of angular frequency [w]):

Beta = theta/d

Then, at each frequency, phase velocity [v_p] is simply:

v_p = w/Beta

Group velocity is a bit more tricky, but once you have Beta as a function of w, group velocity [v_g] is the differentiation:

v_g = (\partial w)/(\partial Beta)

Sorry, math mode isn't working for me ATM.

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