How to model AI301A Tunnel diode


Mar 12, 2024
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please I would like to know how I can be able to model an AI301A tunnel diode in ADS. I am using it for a reflection amplifier design for RFID applications.
However, I am open to any other active device that I can model to suit my project. This is my design objectives (if it helps).

Let me say up fron that I know nothing about ADS or microwave
tools and models.

I have poked at the diode compact model in SPICE and seen no
params for the "transit-time negative resistance" that makes the
tunnel and IMPATT diodes a useful thing for oscillators (back in
the day these diodes could hit GHz while transistors, far from it).

If I were trying to poor-boy it, I think I'd fit the DC diode model
and then superimpose a sine current source with as good a fit
for frequency and amplitude vs diode breakdown current as I
could make.

You might sniff around the Internet though, there may be some
models in simulator-enthusiast repositories or ones for behavioral
models (Ken Kundert's veriloga still a thing?)

I'd think it likely that a current producer of such parts might have
SPICE or other format models as sales support. But these are kinda
old school, fading-demand parts which may not get that kind of
love, made by companies who don't have that kind of staff.

Please is there a way I can be able to export it to ADS and use it for my project?
Can you kindly show me if there is


Falstad's simulator is programmed in Javascript. The tunnel diode model is lying somewhere inside.

If anyone wrote a Spice model you'll need to search the internet for it.

The negative resistance curve (V vs I curve) resembles a mathematical formula containing x^3 and x^2.
Negative resistance can be seen in some other components. Example, unijunction transistors.

Helpful article:


For some reasons Spice simulators cannot handle the Dynatron phenomenon, whatever who generates this effect: Tunnel diodes, IMPATT diodes, Molecular diodes, Tetrode tubes, etc.

With the linear incremental negative resistance of tunneling is also the log incremental negative capacitance as VR approaches 0V. Meanwhile the absolute resistance and capacitance is positive.

As you probably know the Varicap curve for all reverse-biased PN junctions increases towards V=0 and also increases with the max current rating or size of the PN jcn. Essentially, the larger the area to gap ratio of the E-Field during reverse bias, the larger the capacitance is.
(maximum conductance is when forward biased and minimum as max reverse voltage.)
The Falstad simulator simply sweeps thru the VI curve as a voltage source at any speed with a user option time sample and about 2k samples per trace but does not simulate the fixed or even exponential capacitance. Unlike other simulators which quantize the sampling rate to be faster than the rate of change in VI response which makes the simulation unstable with the bipolar 3rd order exponential functions being combined to others.

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