When you said two libraries, I guess that is the same std cell but with two voltage characterization?
yes, the same std cell operating at different PVT but not merely min/max libraries
what I means is two voltage levels such as 3.3V for slow and 1.8V for fast mode
If yes, during the synthesis and PnR, you should used the MMMC, to indicate you have two pvt for the setup.
It seems that MMMC is good way for this problem. However, MMMC is often used in PnR.
But I have hardly known that MMMC is applied in synthesis.
Does Synopsys Design Compiler support MMMC ?
Chapter 10: Using Design Compiler Topographical Technology Optimizing Multicorner-Multimode Designs in Design Compiler Graphical ? <== this chapter ?
By the way, I'd like to know more clearly about MMMC(Multi-mode Multi-corner)
what's the difference between mode and corner ?
1. the different constraints over the same design/libraries = different modes ?
2. the different libraries over the same design/constraints = different corner ?
3. a design contains voltage islands but always operating under the same condition = not mode/corner ?
4. logical variation = different mode ? physical variation = different corner ?
5. a design with test mode under different PVT libraries = different mode and different corner simultaneously ?
Anyway, Thanks for your helps.