i wanted to measure battery charge voltage and current of lead acid battery of current voltage value 48V,10A . i am using PIC as brain . how can i get it done ????
please help me in this regard..
what sensor shall i use 4 current measurement ??? or else when its sense resistor of 1 ohm,480W
how to connect it with microcontroller ???
thanx in advance
rajsundar Mod: Always write headings in Detail. Just Writing "doubts in" will make most of the memebers just ignore your post.Anyways its changed now.
frndz...i wanted to measure battery charge voltage and current of lead acid battery of current voltage value 48V,10A . i am using PIC as brain . how can i get it done ???? please help me in this regard..
what sensor shall i use 4 current measurement ??? or else when its sense resistor of 1 ohm, to connect it with microcontroller ???
thanx in advance
You may use the PIC's ADC to measure the voltage and use a load across to see the health of the battery while powering. You may use a shunt in series to the load and connect the ADC across the Shunt which will also monitor the current supplied to the load. A resistor of 1 Ω 480 watts will be as big as your table...
A 1 ohm resistor is pretty high value for a shunt resistor. We usually use a .1 ohm or smaller resistor for measuring currents. We sometimes use a copper trace on the PCB. I'd suggest using a 'High-Side Current-Sense Amplifier' go convert the voltage drop across the resistor to a easily measured voltage. One that we use a lot is the Maxim MAX4173.
Max is a good IC & their are some other chips too, as Allegros bipolar sensor: ACS706, w*, on the market...