How to measure the SNDR of DAC?

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Full Member level 4
Jan 31, 2005
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I have to measure DAC for Wireless communication.

When I look for the way of the how to measure DAC, I found "very few people wrote down their DAC's SNDR in their Paper."

Most of them only measured DAC's SFDR.

In measuring the DAC, All I have to do is to measure the DAC's SFDR?

why didn't people measure DAC's SNDR in paper?

and I want to know how to measure the DAC's SNDR.


sndr dac

Production testing strategy is often determined by the end use of the DAC or ADC.
in a word, depend on the application.
you can use a instrument whith high precision ADC to sample the DAC output,and then use FFT to measure the DAC's SNDR. maybe some better method ?:?:

sndr, dac

The method that you suggested is the way of the measurement DAC's SFDR?

I don't know how to measure SNDR, not SFDR

enob equation

020170 said:
The method that you suggested is the way of the measurement DAC's SFDR?

I don't know how to measure SNDR, not SFDR

I use this method to measure SNDR.

dac enob

Do you mean that SNDR is equal to SFDR?

what do you think about this picture?

I don't know how did he or she measure SNR,SNDR.

dac sinad

How to measure the DAC's ENOB if there is no mention about the DAC SNDR (or SINAD)?

Is it possible that for a 10bit DAC the ENOB will be 10.5bit?

Based on the ENOB equation which is ENOB= (SINAD-1.76)/6.02.

a 10bit DAC from analog devices has SINAD of 65dB. Does it mean that the DAC has 10.5bit ENOB?

Why ENOB is not mentioned in the DAC jargon?

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