Full Member level 4

I have to measure DAC for Wireless communication.
When I look for the way of the how to measure DAC, I found "very few people wrote down their DAC's SNDR in their Paper."
Most of them only measured DAC's SFDR.
In measuring the DAC, All I have to do is to measure the DAC's SFDR?
why didn't people measure DAC's SNDR in paper?
and I want to know how to measure the DAC's SNDR.
When I look for the way of the how to measure DAC, I found "very few people wrote down their DAC's SNDR in their Paper."
Most of them only measured DAC's SFDR.
In measuring the DAC, All I have to do is to measure the DAC's SFDR?
why didn't people measure DAC's SNDR in paper?
and I want to know how to measure the DAC's SNDR.