How to measure the glitch at the output waveform of a digital to analog converter

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Junior Member level 3
Feb 9, 2020
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as we know This glitch-impulse quantity is equal to the area under the curve and the units of glitch is nano-volts-seconds.
Single-lobe glitch-impulses are a consequence of the DAC internal switches being out of sync.

double lobe glitch-impulse are a consequence of parasitic switch capacitances

The glitch area and energy are theoretically defined as
time integrals, without using any approximation.
However, for practical test reasons, the glitch area is
often estimated as a sum of areas that are computed by an
approximated waveform (triangular or square shape.
1-What should be done to calculate the glitch in the output waveform?
2-Should i find the largest Glitch area and estimate that area with a square or triangle and calculate its area?
3-what should i do for double lobe glitch-impulse.should i subtract upper area from lower area.
Thanks for your help

If you have a DSO this can be captured and calculated in most of
them, eg. area under the curve, between cursors to confine region
of interest.

Regards, Dana.

I don't understand the second part of your question about subtracting.

But another thing you can do is download the scope waveform to excel or matlab, etc., and explicitly calculate the area.

I think if you set the two cursors on DSO to cover both regions it will give you
net area under curve.

Regards, Dana.

If you have a DSO this can be captured and calculated in most of
them, eg. area under the curve, between cursors to confine region
of interest.

Regards, Dana.
I work with Cadence software Is there a way in Cadence software to do this?
--- Updated ---

I don't understand the second part of your question about subtracting.

But another thing you can do is download the scope waveform to excel or matlab, etc., and explicitly calculate the area.
do i have to add top area of the glitches waveform with bottom or subtract them
--- Updated ---

I think if you set the two cursors on DSO to cover both regions it will give you
net area under curve.

Regards, Dana.
What do you mean by DSO?

DSO = Digital Sampling Oscilloscope

Regards, Dana.

Apparently the OP is asking about simulation while you are addressing real measurements.

So I have to convert the waveform to csv file and get the area under the curve to calculate glitch in MATLAB software
Apparently the OP is asking about simulation while you are addressing real measurements.

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