How to measure power of pink noise?

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Newbie level 6
Dec 4, 2002
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I am an audio engineer, I want to design the power amplifier for speaker.
Pink noise is a random signal that shows the same energy in all frequency bands. This signal is not constant in time, but possesses some degree of dynamics. Pink noise allows us to perform tests were the speaker is stressed thermally as well as mechanically.

Anyone can tell me how to measure power of pink noise? :?:

Best Regards.

I think white noise is the random signal that shows the same energy in all frequency bands. Are you sure that pink noise has the same energy in all frequency bands? I think pink noise is weighted noise, which shows different energy in different frequency bands, adjusted to the ears sensitivity to different frequencies. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I think like ME ,
The pink noise is a signal that contains in a casual way all the frequencies from 20hz to 20 Khz with constant level for octave while the white noise is the random signal that shows the same energy in all frequency bands.

Here you can read about inequalities between pink and withe noise.

You are right, but how to measure power of pink noise or white noise?

red or pink noise 20hz to 20 Khz with constant level for octave while the white noise is the random signal that shows the same energy in all frequency bands

noise is split like the spectrum

but DB is DB

an octave is the same as a band

that shows the same energy you say your self
energy is measure in DB

the only differance in DB hence powel level

is how high up you turn the white noise or how high up you turn the pink noise

the only differeance is in the density

an octave is split differently too a linear measure

and so has harmonic re an de genorations on power due too more avalible constructive and destructive colusions in harmos


the db was thought out

for all the people who argue white noise is louder than pink

total rubbish

and if herrings were red/ pink and music

then this be a musical red herring

from a distance hair is hair

it may stand up the same
but when you get closer you notice its not so thick but pink hair
stands out more than white
white hair means your old
gray hair etc

but does it weight less

answer yes.... becouse its less dense

does it have more energy..... well logic says yes

but in a white noise system there is as much colusion and interfearance if not more

so db is db

i think you will find
you choose the colour you want
and it is designed too have the same power level but exhibit different effects of diferent parts of the hifi

much like driving different series of robot trucks too measure mechanical stress on a long bridge

8O 8O 8O
Sorry, I don't know exactly what you mean. could you please descript this more simply.

true RMS meter

Use a volt meter that is rated at true RMS. Be sure that you do not use one that measures peak or average and then multiplies by a correction factor RMS for a sine wave.

White noise have the same spetral density for all frequencies, spetrum of white noise is flat. Pink noise have have same amount energy per one octave - energy in frequncy band 100-200 Hz is equal with that in frequncy band 200-400, and so on. That's why spetrum looks even and tilt. Slope is 1/f ( 1/f is also another name for same noise spetrum)

You can use a FFT analyser

I'm doing a thesis about solid state microphones and I've just done a noise analisis.
The simples way to measure the noise spectral power (it derives from the calculation of the Fourier transform of the correlation integral... just leave it) is to use a software like SpectraLab which has an option that calculate the power of the noise for you.


white noise is differ from pink noise .
most audio frequency noise , such as noise frome computer fan , moving car and people talking in back ground has non white noise .
also white noise passing through channel called couled noise . most of these noise is pink noise and brown noise ..............

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