How to measure inductore and capacitor value's to get best Vpp in a certain frequency

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Sep 29, 2013
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with my regret,
how we can calculate best value for Cpacitor and inductors in Hartley oscillator to get best Vpp or increase output wave energy in a certain frequency for instance in 300khz how to calculate best values to put out best Vpp from circuit?

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correction with my regard not (hhhhhhhhhh) regret

BradtheRad thank you,is there any formula or regulation for calculate certain Vpp?

BradtheRad thank you,is there any formula or regulation for calculate certain Vpp?

It is hard to predict.

One guideline is to the amount of current going through the circuit.

A lot depends on ohmic resistance within the inductor, as well as resistance in neighboring components.

To maintain oscillations, you need to inject a certain amount of current per cycle, into the LC loop. This needs to be available from neighboring components. If the LC loop needs a lot of current, then you need low resistance in neighboring components.

There are the formulas for reactive impedance:

X_L = 2 Pi f L

X_C = 1 / (2 Pi f C )

If there is little current going through the circuit, then you will have greater Vpp by choosing a high L:C ratio.

It is usually satisfactory if you make it between 100 and 10,000x.

thank you for your answer dear BradtheRad

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