how to measure inductance?

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Re: measuring inductance

boy said:
you can use a network analyzer. You can determine the Q value from group delay obtained from the network analyzer.

Hi can you explain how to measure the q factor of an inductance with the network analyzer?

Re: inductor measurement

I cannot make out the value for the C4 capacitor?

Now one-box solution is available for impedance analysis and network analysis
Agilent | E5061B ENA Series Network Analzyer

Key features

Fully supports traditional ZA functions
- Plots impedance parameters (Cs, Cp, Ls, Lp, |Z|, … etc)
- Cal/compensation capabilities for test fixtures
- Equivalent circuit analysis

Covers various ZA applications with three measurement techniques using both S-parameter and Gain-phase test ports.
- Impedance analysis firmware option for the E5061B-3L5 5 Hz-to-3 GHz network analyzer (not applicable to the E5061B-115 to 237 RF NA options)

When you like the traditional impedance analyzer, E4991A (1 MHz - 3 GHz) will be the best solution.
E4991A RF Impedance/Material Analyzer | Agilent

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