[SOLVED] How to measure heat, up to 150 Celcius using 1-Wire?

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Newbie level 4
Jun 3, 2010
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Hi Everyone,

At the moment I am using DS1820 to sense the heat of my fish aquarium (also with the help of pic16f877) and display the heat on an 16x2 lcd and on my Computer screen using rs232.

But now I want to make a different project to measure the heat of an oven. The inner heat of the owen should be about 150-160 Celcius degrees, but as I know the DS1820's maximum range is limited to 125 celcius degrees.

Maybe using an LM35 would be useful but I want to use 1-wire.

So, could you please help me? Is there any 1-Wire device which can measure heat up to 150 celcius degrees? OR how can I do that?

Thank you for all in advance.


150 -160C is too high for most semiconductors, it is too close to the temperature where the packaging and internal wire bonding starts to break down and leakage in the device becomes excessive. You are borderline between thermistor and thermocouple being a better option but these will need some additional circuitry to prepare their output for measurement. You can then convert the measurement using a 1-wire device if you want to but unless that's a specific requirement, a better solution is to use an ADC to directly convert to a usable value.

Dear Brian,

I am greatly appretiated for the quick response. Thank you.

I am an agricultural engineer (animal sciences) but interested in electronics and robotics.

For example I made a robot which takes care to my fish (the temparature of the water, the level of water, feeding, etc.) and I can control my robot via internet using a remote desktop application. And another robot takes care about plants at home (it uses machine vision to sense the position and the condition of the plant and the leaves and sends e-mail regularly to my email inbox every one hour. I also attached some photos of the robots:



But at least, I am an amateur and have no enough knowledge in electronics.

I have never used neither thermistor nor thermocouple, so I do not know how to use them and read data from them.
Do you have a sample circuit or could you please help me to find one?

By the way I use JAL (Just Another Language) for programming PICs. Waiting for your advice on this topic also (For example; Which is the best program to program the PICs).

Thanks & Regards


great work...

B57560G104F will serve your purpose...
:: look here for circuit diagram
**broken link removed**
P.S: Join the arduino group.
Thank you Magnatron, your response also helpful for me.

But I do not know how to read data (heat) from this device. Should I use an ADC (pic16f877 has its own adc converter).

For example, should I use an OpAmp -OR- can I directly read data from it?.

Thanks & Regards.



As well as Epos, Honeywell also do some low cost 300c NTCs - see the Farnells catalogue.

You do not say what you are coding in, but you will have to construct a lookup table or find an algorithm that will work things out for you.

For your needs you can probably read the ntc straight in without the need for an op amp and use the standard +5v default vref

See the diagram below of how to fit a simple adjuster to the ntc circuit.


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