How to measure ethanol/water solution.

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Junior Member level 1
Jun 1, 2001
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how to measure ethanol

After looking around the Net a bit, I noticed there are several sensors for measuring how much ethanol there is in breath (air).

Now, I want a way to measure how much ethanol there is in water (liquor).
How can this be done?
Is there any kind of sensor that can be used, to output a voltage relative to the percentage of ethanol/water solution?


measure ethanol

Considering the amount of 'other stuff' in various liquor's besides water and alcohol I doubt a direct readout sollution is possible. Breath sensors are simple enough because it has known contents. Ambient air (with a little more CO2 and water a little less oxygen) To the best of my knowledge the only method of measuring the alcohol content of the numerous types of liquor that exist are by doing chemical titrations on a sample. In the case of a breath sensor the human body itself acts as the filter for the 'other stuff'

measurement ethanol in water

Hmm, well I think I have to make it more clear...

I have two possible projects to use this in.
First is to measure the ethanol/gasolin ratio in bi-fuel cars to correct the air/fuel mix.
Here the instrument have to be calibrated for this kind of mixtures.

Second is to measure the ethanol/water ratio in moonshine...
Here the mixture would be fairly free from any other "stuff" than water and alcohol (ethanol).

In the later case a hydrometer is usually used to measure the SG (Specific Gravity), but this seems hard to do "electronicly"...
I´ve also heard of using a "refractometer", but I don´t really know what that is...

Any ideas?


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