How to make RB3 of PICF506 low and then high?

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Full Member level 4
Apr 23, 2009
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Hyderabad, India
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Dear All,

I have one doubt.

How to make RB3 low & then high?
Here RB3 only an input (MCLR is disabled).
Here my options setting is OPTION=0b10010111; so RB3 is always high if i want to make this pin low i need to work on only OPTION bit ( RBWU & RBPU) to low this pin. But after that is not coming high again. That is my doubt.

Here I am using ADC sensing value to make RB3 high & low but once it is going to low state it is not coming again high state.

Please give your some ideas to solve this issue.

Thanks & Regards

Re: problems in PICF506


Have not used that chip but will try and help.

RB3 is a dual purpose pin that can be Mclre or a Digital Input Only.
As you say you need to change Config line to disable the Mclre function.

Again as you say , RB3 is only an Input and can only read an incoming signal - it can sense if that signal is high or low only.

Typical uses would be for say a switch input which may need a pull up resistor so rather than fit an external one you can use the 506s internal pull up resistor by enabling the RBPU bit 6 of the Option register.
This does not produce on output high in that sense.
When the pull up is turned off, it does not make RB3 low - that is not possible - it is an input.

The RBWU is a totally separate function where the pic tests RB3 for you and will act on the change according to the signal / function it is programmed for.

Afraid your
Here I am using ADC sensing value to make RB3 high & low
just is not possible with RB3, you must use another pin thats has Input and Output functions.

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