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How To Make Farrite ring Current Transformer

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Dec 14, 2007
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how to make current transformer

I want to Make a Farrite ring Current Transformer Help Me.

how to make a current transformer

Make sure you use a saturated core toroid, to get maximum efficiency. (80% or better)

make current transformer

Saturation occurs, if the voltage drop at transformer (or more exactly the voltage integral) exceeds a certain value and should be surely avoided, if the transformer is intended for measurment purposes.

Apart from that, it is ruled by usual transformer properties as winding ratio, main an stray inductance, winding resistance and core dependant things. General literature regarding transformers could be found in heaps at the forum.

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Thanks for the reply.

But I want more info to start .:D

making current transformer

You need to provide more information on what you want to do.
Current transformers are widely used in electrical power engineering, that is to measure mains current (60Hz or 50Hz). In this case, they use silicon steel cores, not ferrite.
Now, you want to use ferrite core. What frequency range and what current level
do you want to measure? If possible, provide information on the ferrie core you have. This is important because you may not be able to build the transformer if you can not get the specified core, even if someone's recommendation is very good technically.
S. H.

build current transformer

You need to provide more information on what you want to do.
Current transformers are widely used in electrical power engineering, that is to measure mains current (60Hz or 50Hz). In this case, they use silicon steel cores, not ferrite.
Now, you want to use ferrite core. What frequency range and what current level
do you want to measure? If possible, provide information on the ferrie core you have. This is important because you may not be able to build the transformer if you can not get the specified core, even if someone's recommendation is very good technically.
S. H.

Thanks for replay shwoo !

Yes i need it to measure mains current (50Hz).

Actually I need it for UPS out put current over load Protection.

Will you guide some more !

make a current transformer

If you want to do calculations, you need at least an inductance factor (AL value) for the core. Although ferrite torroids are not optimal suited for LF current transformer, they may be used, even with a low permeability (≈ AL value) core, possibly with less performance.

Typical current transformer could be 100:1 up 1000:1, implying a 100 to 1000 turns secondary winding. The secondary winding could either be connected to a load resistor or a current amplifier with virtually zero ohms input impedance. The latter would give better accuracy but most likely isn't necessary for this application.

With increasing load resistance, the transformer LF cut-off frequency will rise. It should be, however considerably below your 50 Hz operating frequency. A too high load resistance could also cause core saturation, possibly excessive core heating and high voltages a the secondary. If have no core data, you can start with a resistance that would result in e. g. 100 mV secondary voltage (Uload=Iprim/n*Rload).
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    Points: 2
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torroid transformer input impedance optimal


Mr FvM Thanks !

I have Just a ferrite ring to start with

also I have no data for this ring core


what will you sagest

how I wound for testing.
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making a current transformer

Useful number of turns depend on primary current and intended secondary signal and circuit. You should also try to understand the basic behavior of the current transformer. Ignoring stray inductance, you have a secondary current I2 = I1/n^2.
It's a current source in parallel with the transformers main inductance as seen at the secondary,
L2 = AL*n^2
You get a high pass with a cut off frequency fhp = R/(L*6.28), R is the sum of secondary winding resistance and load resistance. With a low permeability core, both windings and load resistance should be low respectively number of turns high to achieve a suitable behaviour. I assume also, you have no torroid core winding maschine, which limits number of turns to a few hundred anyway.

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ferrite 50 hz current transformer

As I said earlier, please be specific.
What kind of current level are you trying to measure?
Are you looking for 1 to 3A? Or 100A?
As you are talking about UPS, I assume the voltage level is a few hundred
volts, for which insulation may not be big issue for professionals.
Why are you stuck with ferrite for 50Hz?
Any reason?
S. H.

how to make a current transformer

It sounds like he doesnt even know the basics of transformer design. Maybe he should start with learning the basics first.


60hz to 50hz transformer

HI all !

Thanks for REPLY !

FvM I have no winding machine all I will do it my self. any way thanks.

shwoo... UPS output is 230v current output over load level is 3-4Amp.

it is ok to use iron core.

nxtech Yes i have no knowledge about current transformers .Will u help me?

hot to make a current transformer

Sure I can help. Do a search of this website and the internet. There is a wealth of info on this site and the internet.


transformer making

nxtech ! ?????????????

Added after 12 minutes:

I think I should Leave the idea of current

transformer & measure current dope voltage across a resistance at the battery


But I want to thank all participants of this TOPIC !


advanced technic for protection of transformer

I did a search of transformer on this website and came up with over 500 topics that dealt with just a transformer.

Give it a try.


ring current transformer

nxtech :!::!::!::!::!::!::!::!:

You live in a advanced country were you can get every thing you want

but here we can't get things that easy as you can get . we relay on estemations .

I read all posts about Ferrite transformers but didn't find slution so I flote this



torroid transformer input impedance optimal

Zia dont give me that tired old story about how good I have it living in the United States because its just a way for you to tell yourself its ok to not make the effort needed.

Just because you dont live in the US does not mean that you cant find the information you need to learn about a topic of your choice.

The fact that you have access to the internet tells me that where you live is not all that bad. It could most likely be better but at least you can search for and find the information to gain the knowledge you want.

There are many people on this board that live in places similar to yours or even in places worse off that still manage to locate the information about a given topic and learn what they want. It may take them longer then others but they still learn.

I dont know where you live since you did not put that information on your avatar block but like I said if you have access to the internet you have access to the information you need. Just search for it.


how to: build current transformer

Thanks for the very long lacture of yours

what you want me to know??????????

I know very well what I Have to know !

If I can Aford to Buy things from RS or Farnell then I will get

data sheets all other guides to making things.

If I can do my it is importent it is not importent that what technic I use

Re: how to: build current transformer

Mr nxtech
Along my job I work hard on topic
so i can now understand all about current transformers
Thankagin for pushing me

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