How to make a LabVIEW program executable?

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Jan 7, 2005
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labview license executable

i would like to make my labview program executable. in other words, convert .vi file to .exe file. thereby, it can run on other computers without labview license. can anyone shed a light on me?? thanks in advance.

labview runtime 6.0 english download

Do you have so called "Application Builder"?
Once installed it will be available from labview to create applications.
You can create just XXX.EXE file but it will not run on another computers till you do not install Labview RunTime Engine.
During creation of application there is an option to include RunTime Engine into an installaction package which will include your XXX.EXE executable + RunTime Engine.
Another option is to create Labview RunTime Engine as a separate package and install it on other computers. From now on any executable application (*.exe) create in Labview by the application builder will run on the other computers as you install Labview RunTime Engine only once for all applications.

All of the abave is valid for LabView version 6.
In Labview 5 you could create application which included RunTime feature and the EXE file was pretty big in size, so in next version(s) they separeted RunTime Engine as independent feature and executable applications can be much smaller in size.
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make labview executable including run time engine

Agree. But keep in mind, application builder package is not free, at least for 7.1 version. I had same problem and called NI for technical support. They told me that I need to pay to get that add-on. RunTime engine is free for download from NI website.


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For the 2011 software disc package, is the application builder on its own disk or is it grouped with other add ons and what is the name on the disk. I work with a University and want to know if the application is in their disk set.

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