How to make a data call using wavecom modem?

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Junior Member level 2
Mar 28, 2013
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Hi everybody,
i want to establish data call between two modem. i have interfaced two modem to the different PC and calling using AT commands,
i have set below AT commands to establish data call but still am getting NO CARRIER response from modem.

I have used AT+FCLASS=0,
ATD<Phone number>

I can establish voice call by using ATD<phone num>; but not data call. Please suggest me ::sad:
Thank you

If it's not a dedicated data phone number, the called modem must be configured to accept data calls.

If it's not a dedicated data phone number, the called modem must be configured to accept data calls.

i am dialing using MSISDN (SIM) number.. Is there different phone number to make a data call?

If the provider uses single numbering scheme, in may be necessary to select data call with a +CSNS command.

If the provider uses single numbering scheme, in may be necessary to select data call with a +CSNS command.

hi, i have selcted AT+CSNS=4 still also NO CARRIER response am getting PLease suggest me


Data call can be made by two ways - CSD or GPRS based...

If you are using CSD based data call(i think you are trying for this way as per your earlier posts) then the number of both the modems should be activated for data call using CSD by the network service provider..

As CSD(Circuit switching) is a very old technology, i am not sure if any network service provider is supporting this as of now..

That is the reason CSD is over taken by GPRS technology...

- - - Updated - - -


Call to the service provider (airtel/vodafone or etc) whatever you are using and ask them whether CSD call is available or supported by them..If the service provider says YES then ask them to activate for the numbers that you are using..

If they say NO then you have no option to switch it GPRS based data call...

i am not sure if any network service provider is supporting this as of now..
It's at least supported by service providers in western europe. But I don't know if it's also the case in your region.

Call to the service provider (airtel/vodafone or etc) whatever you are using and ask them whether CSD call is available or supported by them..If the service provider says YES then ask them to activate for the numbers that you are using..
I fear that the hotline support staff won't know what you are talking about.

Did you try the +CSNS (or probably +CBST) command at called modem?

Hi i called to network provider but they do not know about these CSD call, they told we don't have options like this.
yes i have tried with +CSNS and +CBST, in CBST i have tried all the chance( AT+CBST=7,0,1/AT+CBST=12,0,1/AT+CBST=71,0,1

Hi i called to network provider but they do not know about these CSD call, they told we don't have options like this.
As expected, but that doesn't mean a thing. I assume that the network is at least supporting mobile originated data calls, e.g. calling a fixed network analog or ISDN modem.

There may be a problem with mobile terminated calls. Older GSM modems (e.g. Siemens M20, MC/TC35) missed a provision for single numbering scheme and could be only called under a dedicated data number. I had no problem yet to call newer modems with support for single numbering scheme (e.g. Siemens M45 and later) using standard SIM cards. But maybe your provider handles things different.

Instead of ignorant helpdesk personell, you can try to ask experts in your country, e.g. communication equipment distributors.


Yes most of the call centre people in india working with network service provider, doesnt know the difference between CSD and GPRS data call.

CSD - Circuit switched data call....GPRS - Packet swtiched...

If you are not using APN, USERNAME and PASSWORD then the data call is considered as CSD data call as the dial for data transfer is done using only the mobile number...

That means, the network service provider should enable the CSD call feature.. I feel you are from india...In that case, to my knowledge, only AIRTEL is supporting CSD call not by any other network provider.

You can check with them..

Why dont you switch over to GPRS based data call??

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