maybe you should get a phone with the appropriate size screen
and disable all the things you don't want, or simply do not use all the things you don't want
in the long run, it may be a little more expensive (or not) but it will work
you'll be able to use it as soon as you have the device
regarding the cost:
you can build Johnny Cash's Cadillac - see "one piece at a time"
"Well, It's a '49, '50, '51, '52, '53, '54, '55, '56 '57, '58' 59' automobile It's a '60, '61, '62, '63, '64, '65, '66, '67 '68, '69, '70 automobile.
Lyrics of ONE PIECE AT A TIME by Johnny Cash: Well I left Kentucky back in '49, An' went to Detroit workin' on a 'sembly line, The first year they had me ...
LetsSingIt - The Internet Lyrics Database
you propose getting all the pieces and then putting it together yourself
that works fine for building yourself a computer, since once you figure out what you want,
(and there are lots of places to get all kinds of information), you can buy it all in one day
and it will be delivered in less than a week.
it may not work so well for what you want, unless you have the hardware and software expertise.