I want to use a digital filter in matlab, how can i determine its parameters to use it as band pass filter ???
what is the denominator and numinator coeff. ???
I suggest you, 2 ways:
1- you can use Filter Design & Analysis Tools (fdatool) . This toolbox is very powerfull & very easy to use in filter design. you can choose BPF in option and then design how you want it.
2-you can use [b,a] = butter(n,Wn,'ftype')
If Wn is a two-element vector, Wn = [w1 w2], butter returns an order 2*n digital bandpass filter with passband w1 < Wn < w2.
yeah Iam using the first way but the options to choose bpf & passband edge freq. exist only in the analog filters . wat about the digital filter design ??
The simplest one is:
There is a more sofisticated one:
You may see the signal processing toolbox help by:
help signal
But generally is better to read at least few pages of the digital filter theory. It is not absolutely necessary to know what is "denominator" and "numerator" or differential equation. But you should read to know how to choose the filter order (their sizes) as well as to be aware of the filter stabillity.
I think Yulewalk is the way to go. It is very simple, just give the relative amplitudes and the corresponding frequencies in matrix form. Remember to put the digital frequency instead of real one!!