how to learn rf ic design

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Aug 14, 2004
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les besser and smith chart

i want to learn rf ic design,
which way is fast

download rf microelectronics behzad razavi the same question too.....
i took several rf classes in my university, but still i don't that's enough; maybe my university is not strong on rf stuffs.

just a personal opinion.....there is no short cuts....try to get into a rf program in a good university like ucla, ucsd, or cal.

i am learning on my own now.........little slow.....very slow....

rfic ucla

you don't need to go to those school to learn rfic.

order some hobby kits on the internet and BUILD SOMETHING.

ALL those people taking RFIC in school learn how to use simulators when at work most of the time is in the lab MAKING things work.

Most schools don't have lab classes.


learn rf

The absolute fundamental for RFIC is only analog circuit methods.

Since in RFIC there is nothing like distributed dont use transmision lines or microstrips or something like smith charts to design your there is nothing magically different from analog ic design since the size is basically small enough to use good old lumped element techniques...anyway I think

1) The design of CMOS RFICs by Thomas H. Lee from SMIRC

2) RF Microelectronics by Behzad Razavi are quite stupid..oops...simple enough for an analog ic design expert to start designing the so called totally different LNAs and mixers!!!

on the other hand...if you want to truly learn the beautifully diofferent design methods and tricks and techniques and want to drown yourself in smith chart based methods then you should definitely read

1) Microwave transistor amplifiers by Gonzalez

2) Microwave engg by David M. Pozar

3) The recent two volumes on microwave circuit design by Les Besser

these 4 books are very very good to learn "REAL RF/MW" design methods which the discrete RF/MW and integrated MW(NOT RFIC) designers still use!!!

happy learning

things to learn for designing an ic

where to find these books,please?

all books except the one by Prof. thomas Lee are available right here in if u are so desperate

From my experience in both fields RF Circuit and RFIC Design, I can say that first of all if you want to be a good RFIC designer you have to be a good RF Circuit Designer.
I met a lot of guys who jumped from no RF experience to RFIC design, and I can say that their productivity sucks. For some of them doesn’t matter how many years they spent in RFIC Design area, the results were the same…because they were missing the RF basics.

I agree. You need to learn the basic first about RF Circuit, how a circuit behave in a high frequeccy. Remember with high frequency, a wire is not a resitor but it's a transmission line with some parasitite inductors and capacitors. Read the book learn from basic again.

To my opinion, I think an RFIC engineer would require both microwave and analog IC design knowledge in order to design RFIC circuitry.


You can study about digital circuit design by:
A. P. Chandrakasan AND R. W. Brodersen, “Low Power Digital CMOS Design,” Kluwer academic Publishers, 1995.


hmahdi12 said:
You can study about digital circuit design by:
A. P. Chandrakasan AND R. W. Brodersen, “Low Power Digital CMOS Design,” Kluwer academic Publishers, 1995.

That book is not a good book to learn about digital circuit design . That book only study one aspect of digital design writen by academics who have never been designed a chip .

Analog circuit design is basis or foundation for RFIC. All the cirucitry in RFIC like mixer, LNA, filter, PA, modolator are using the analog circuit as the basis for the deisgn. Basic circuits like analog multiplier, amplifier, FF are found everywhere in RFIC. Basics of RF are important as you are working in different frequency range as low speed analog circuitry. Next you need to learn to use circuit simulator to design your RF circuitry. @nsoft Nexxim, Microwave Off1ce, @DS among a few that comes to mind.
It is not something you can learn fast. I had attended one week course by Dr Behzad Razavi of UCLA. He was saying that you need 1/2 year to learn mixer, 1/2 year to master LNA. 1 year to master Tx chain. And worse still, 3 years to master PLL/Synthesizer. And another 3 years to master the analog block like DAC/ADC. It is not easy..but not impossible but takes a lot time and dedication. Good luck!

Hey, no body refered razavi's book of RF design.
is that book is not upto standard.

Without 'blowing my own trumpet'

You could look at my website as it has a lot of RFIC stuff on it, even though I'm a RF/Microwave design engineer??



You can look at this webpage:
**broken link removed**
It was very useful for me.

Try to involve in a REAL project and you will learn a lot and fast.

seek the books on this forum of "EDA E-books Upload/Download".

Hi v_naren,

Would you please kindly specify the links of the last two books you mentioned above?


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