how to learn programming

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Jan 25, 2008
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A person who does not know anything about programming...but wants to learn programming ..what should he do??
He has to start from zero level...what you people suggest him to do first??

joe1986 said:
A person who does not know anything about programming...but wants to learn programming ..what should he do??
He has to start from zero level...what you people suggest him to do first??

please indicate your level of knowledge like-- in electronics, digital circuits, boolean algebra -- something at least --so that we could indicate a starting book
mostly i feel "for dummies" books are fine to learn funda.

Now you have to indicate whether you have a preferred Microprocessor or micro-controller.

I would rather suggest you go for PIC micro-controllers and learn.

please have a fundamental reading of on line free book for the link below.

you read once and a creful study while reading a second time. then you can form some opinion.

All the best.


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im in d final yr of BE ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMM ENGG.... i am interested in learnin C PROGRAMMING............???

you can start with "the C programming language" by Dennis Ritchie, but it is good to read as many books as you can, because in every book you can find something useful.


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pick any good book from net and start with it....
the main thing is to do practice as much as u can.
start with small programs...then try exercises
programming is great fun!!
once u get into it u will enjoy a lot

have fun programming.good luck


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first get the data sheet of pic start using pic 16f84 it`s the easyest one read well

after under standing

search the internet for "Elmer" tutorials for pic and search for "Elmer160"

its an easy way to understand


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joe1986 said:
im in d final yr of BE ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMM ENGG.... i am interested in learnin C PROGRAMMING............???

i'll suggest you that first read the datasheet of microcontrollers. and some projects from net also.

take knowledge of ASM language for MCU. and learn C also.
to learn assembly language if not so hard.
read the book Microcontroller BY mazidi and
for C lots of Ebooks are avilable on net.
but as lishev said that book is one of the best book.


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I am also new with PIC microcontoller.

Recently I finish some tutorials from

**broken link removed**

They are great & really helpful to start with PIC.


Take a gud programming book and start doing programming on computer start with turbo C++ and then try to implemant logic and do practics problem

thank you

try to read books that explain about basic programming.. then read others program, it will be better if you write your own program and try modifying it.
I suggest you to learn pascal or other high level language.

Here is a good beginners book on c programing.

**broken link removed**

What kind of programming do you want to do? Microcontrollers? if so try to learn C & ASM you can find books for these on any of the usual sites xpressionsz, avaxhome ebookee etc.

I would rather suggest to get some introduction to computers and hardware first. Get some ideas cleared like what is a RAM and why do you really need it. And how does a computer function.. Once these ideas are clear.. get started with some book like C programming by Denis Ritchie.


the best way is to learn writing basic programming which is "hello world". Learn how to use the compiler...if you want to learn c just download from internet turbo c++..
its free

i think he should start learning Visual Basic first i.e VB6.0 then if he wants to get more advanced with programs he learn Visual C++ or Visual C#

reading to me is not the way out. you can try to meet some1 who already knows it to put you thru,
otherwise, try to go to a place where you can get the first intro as it were and then you can build it up.
thuogh you may end up reading books but not to start with.

Can anybody tell me where we can find programming example related to C++.?

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