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download books about learning pcb

Ok, wp100. I'll try ur advice... It seems good enough with what I want. Thank u.
By the way, how can i donate points to you?? But i dont have any points.

pcb fabrication by myself

hi iqbalz

how can i donate points to you?? But i dont have any points.

No idea - not counting anyway - thanks for the thought.

pcb fabrication tutorials

hi guyz,

i finally finished my first pcb using toner transfer method. i made a pcb for a 0 - 30 VDC 2m - 3 A power supply.

the power supply circuit is found on this site

the layout is also given and u can use it insread of designing it on ares or other pcb programms ( i recommend using the layout on the site first, so u can focut on the etching process. and then u can design ur oun layouts on pcb programms).

i used toner transfer method and ferric chloride for etching.

the result was amazing for me because its the first real time i made a full pcb by myself

the images are attached

good luck

easy home pcb fabrication

i mide a big mistake after i finished ethching my baord. i used a wrong type of varnish before i solder the components, so i found it so difficult to solder the components. and the solder side wasnt nice after i finished soldering yet its still working.

the fabrication of printed circuit board tutorial

Hi Ahmad,

Those boards are looking good !

i used a wrong type of varnish before i solder the components

What 'varinish' were you using ? - you normally only need remove the etch resist just prior to soldering - pure Acetone cleans it off well.
circuit board 100mm x 100mm

great job Ahmad. Congrats!

Added after 14 minutes:

what did you use to get the greenish background for the PCB. Those pictures are extremely impressive for a first timer.

gigapedia newbie limitation

thx wp100

ur help was so important for me to get this result from the first attempt

i did used aceton to clean it off. the varnish is used for another purpose.

varnish is a colorless material used to insulate armature windings of motors ( or other conducting parts). and to protect the copper from humidity and air preventing the formation of copper oxide.

i took some from my friend and it seems that i took the wrong type. it was heavy and didnt make it easier to solder. a good type of varnish will act as a flux and make the solder process easier.

i read those info in a site and i m not sure about it. correct me if this is wrong.

Added after 10 minutes:

codewiz said:
great job Ahmad. Congrats!

Added after 14 minutes:

what did you use to get the greenish background for the PCB. Those pictures are extremely impressive for a first timer.

thx codewiz,

i didnt do anything to the background of pcb. i just etched it with fecl3 and it looked like that. this is its normal color.

any progress on ur side codewiz ?

i m building my exposure box. i read about a new idea to build uv box from an old scanner. and also using its stepper motor to move the uv lights!! which saves some money because i dont need 4 uv lights ( if uv lamps is used ) or 100 uv leds ( if uv leds is used) !! i only need 1 uv light or 40 uv leds to construct a movable plate using the stepper motor of the scanner. a simple pic circuit can control the movment of the plate ( 1cm/min depending on leds quality,luminous ... etc)

i m working on it and i hope i finish it soon
will show u everything after i finish.

good luck

german made pcb etching machines

Hi Ahmad,

a good type of varnish will act as a flux and make the solder process easier.

i read those info in a site and i m not sure about it. correct me if this is wrong.

Well thats a new one on me if there is ...?

After cleaning your copper boards of the etch resist coating, you would normally just solder the parts straight on. If you are using fluxed solder thats normally enough flux.
You can buy small tins of flux if you need more - but I find the best way is to use one of the flux Pens used for SMD work, and just run it over the copper track / holes just before soldering.

After the board is finished and tested Ok there are a load of coatings and varnishes that can be applied to protect the board and components.
Some types do allow you to easily resolder though them to aid a repair at a later date - but motor coil varnish - do not think so.

learn pcb

hi wp100
yes i m using a fluxed solder. i ll try soldering my next pcb directly after etching without using any coatings.

uv led pcb

Hi Ahmad,

A would think a lot of your boards are short term experimental, so do they really need a coating - it makes replacing components messy to say the least.

I would only spray boards that were either sensistive to the slightest moisture / touch or were going to be used long term.

Otherwise I would just 'tin' the copper tracks to stop them oxydizing - just slowly run your iron up the copper track, with the solder wire by it, so you get a very thin layer of solder on the track.

Here is IPC-2221A 2003:

**broken link removed**

enjoy it!

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