How to join two computers one having windows 8 and other having windows 7

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Jan 27, 2013
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I have a laptop having windows 8 and a desktop having windows7. I want to join both the computers. I tried with cross cable but it was not detected. Then i tried with straight cable, it was detected. I was able to see name of computers on each other screen. I changed IP address of both computers in same range. I shared the drive on computer having windows 7 , gave all the permissions, however when i try to open it from windows 8,error message appears says "You do not have permission to access the drive. Contact the administrator" though there is only one account on my laptop which is of Admin, so i always log in as admin. How to solve this issue.

Windows uses "ad-hoc" IP addresses for peer-to-peer connections if you didn't configure the interface for fixed IP, so changing IP addresses shouldn't be necessary.

It should be always possible to "connect as" with a username and password valid for the other computer.

Change IP address does work on the same Window, but it may not work probably in different version of Window I think

"You do not have permission to access the drive. Contact the administrator"

This is an all-purpose message which Microsoft builds in. It pretends you have a network administrator nearby. He can adjust every setting in every version of Windows, and get any computer to communicate with another computer. If you don't have an administrator nearby, then you're supposed to hire one.


Networking is easiest if both computers are running the same OS.

When I have been able to get my computers to network, it requires several attempts. (One runs Win7, the other XP.)

I find it is often necessary to start up each computer fresh, in order for them to recognize each other by ethernet or wireless.

Several minutes might go by before a computer detects another computer or network hard drive. Wifi detection can be quicker but that does not mean they're communicating.

I try different things before I succeed. As a result I do not have it down to a routine. So I do not try it often.

To transfer files between a Windows machine and my PowerMac, I had to resort to a program called 'PC-Mac-Net-Fileshare'. It has know-how that I don't. But it can still require several adjustments to connect two computers.

I also looked at a popular networking program called 'DAVE'. It might work better though for more money. This was years ago.

Win7 introduced a more secure networking protocol called Homegroups. Access is encrypted with a random alphanumeric key that must be shared with other users.

To connect and shared files between Win7 & Win8 , one PC must create a HOMEGROUP and password then it must be entered by the other PC. THis must be accessed in both PC"s in the Control Panel. YOu can find it by search or from the control Panel> detailed view> HOMEGROUPS> Create Homegroup.

However folders must be shared next from each host. You can use the Library feature of folders or navigate directly to any folder and right-mouse> SHare with> and choose Homegroup> then choose Read or Read/Wirite in Win7 and in Win8 the same will say View or View & Edit. Repeat for each folder you wish to share. Media Streaming is an extra service which is optional for sharing streaming from WMC or WMP media files.

After sharing is defined you can access the other computer from Explorer << Win+E (keys) then you can treat the remote folders as if they are local using the same methods, drag & Drop, click open or right mouse> optiosn. or send to> Desktop a shortcut. There will be folders for MEdia Streaming if enabled or the usual Documents/Pictures/Video Downloads or any other folder you created a share.

YOu can use Remote Desktop to perform both setup functions from one PC and copy the HOMEgroup key from the remote desktop to the local Homegroup setup menu field. If the two services for HOMEGROUPS were disabled at anytime since Win7 or 8 was installed, they must be enabled and started.

There is also Advanced Sharing for more complex rules on privileges.

Homegroups are not avail in Vista, XP so for this Workgroups are used with the same domain groupname eg Workgroup or MSHOME (passe) and then login using the local authenticated admin password not the remote unless you have created remote user logins but normally it will expect source names for \\pcname\usernameassword or fill in 2 fields.

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