how to interface Hc-05 with Arduino Due?

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Be carrefull with some device HC05 comming from RPC..
Some have very erratic initialisation...
at power on, the led must blinking to be able to associed it to an android BT
and then successfully establish a dialogue.
Even when using pin KEY ..
So must use many Power off /power ON to get led blinking.
After association ..NO problemo at all.

They better did connect the RESET pin outside instead of KEy pin or Led output..
To do a Reset factory is a good way, but acces of this pin inside the board is not so easy..

Does someone find out a 100% successfull way to solve this problem ?

Another solution, but more expensive (300%) , is to use ehanced bluetooth device as RN41
No problemo with power ON/OFF, 100% OK after software init of RN41.

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