How to install 32- bit mathematica software in 64- bit system?

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Nov 17, 2006
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Guwahati, India
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Dear all,

I want to install 32-bit mathematica software in my laptop which is 64-bit.But its not accepting.Plz let me know if any procedure.


I don't think that 34- bit software will work in 64- bit windows

Most of the the 32-bit software doesn't work in 64 bit version. But some of the 32 bit softwares can be run using backwards compatibly option. Check the first link in my earlier post.

32-bit softwares can run on 64-bit system.. but inverse is not true.. as obvious 64-bit software will use 64bit data to be sent in one go and if you are using it on 32-bit system other bits will overflow but this is not the case as your system will immediately tells you that the software cannot be installed(But you can use 32bit software on 64-bit as system will treat it as 32-bit automatically).
My point is 64-bit is advanced form of 32-bit and it is always kept in mind by developers that your earlier software should run in the advanced version, so there is compatibility option in your windows Just use that.. or you can install 64-bit version of your software(now mostly all softwares are available in 64-bit)..

Good luck

I think you can copy all the installation files to your computer and then by right clicking on the setup file and choose compatibility you want

hi beni_annis,

u r wrong, no such options avble when right clicked on setup file.

Infact, i tried all possible options going to compatibility mode but i couldn't install Mathematica (32-bit) in Windows-7 (64-bit).

I'm now wondering if i can run it virtually or not.If someone knows whether it can be done plz let me know.

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then the only way to get that to work would be to install a Virtual Machine of a 32-bit Windows version (oracle virtualmachine), and you could run it in the VM.

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