Re: antenna thoughts plz
>30MHz - 1GHz
Any antenna with such a wide coverage is going to be a tradeoff.
The white stick antennas sold for use with scanning receivers are usualy just a coil of wire in a plastic tube.
What sort of feeder?
If you feed it with coax then Unless you use a balun or choke of
some sort you will find that the outside of the coax braid forms
a part of the antenna. The length and orientation of the coax
will have a big effect on the impedance and radiation pattern.
>radiation pattern is not important only impedance bandwidth.
How about efficiency?
A fifty ohm resistor and a meter of wire will be somewhere in the
ballpark over the whole range.
>which via simulations looked promising, however this was done on infinite gp
A simulation of an antenna with a big ground plane tells you nothing
about how an antenna with no groundplane will perform.
>You can put several dipoles of different lengths in parallel
My feeling is that 5cm diameter is too close for that to work well.
>A meter is a long length.
At 30MHz with no ground plane it is a short length.
>a large number of non-resonant radiating structures
A quarter of a wavelength at 1GHz is 75mm so you need your "radiating
structures" to be smaller than that. At 30MHz it will be useless.
>Theory of small reflections
Hmm, can't seem to find a good explanation of that with a two minute google
>says that with the right coupling taper, you should have little reflection.
Hmm, I suspect that doing that within the specified dimentions would be